Tuesday, August 12, 2008


SPOT the SAIKAITAIYAT.com vehicle & take a picture with your mobile phone.
EXACT LOGO is THIS ------------------------------- >

Take a pic of our logo(reflective sticker behind our car)

with the following information:

4)Your email
A small token will be given..

(There is more than 1 vehicle and only 3 gifts available.
Spot any vehicle and you will get a gift. Spot the main vehicle(grey color) and you will get the largest token)
Closing date..up to ME . (Milo)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Discovery Kumbaya Song

This must be the ultimate song of the year for me.. Earth, our beautiful earth.
Need I say more ? Check it out

Friday, April 18, 2008

MILO strikes Back !

RECYLE. Thats the word out there. Word on the streets.
R E C Y C L E.

Do not sit around like the pic attached.

Or do not sleep around

Yeap the one thatyou've been hearing and didnt do shit about it. Me ? You say me ? HA HA !

Well I did and found some very interesthing facts about our home rubbish. Here's what i did.
Fist prepare the following as per my experience:
1) Place to put recycle items
2) Big rubbish bin(for plastics as plastics comes in various sizes-the blackones like the one outside will do)
3) A box to put int paper
4) A corner to put all the glass bottles
5) A box to put aluminium - aluminium sizes may vary to very small.

Recycle my home rubbish by seperating as follows
1) Plastics
2) Paper
3) Aluminium
4) Glass

All the above is not so simple if recycling indepth like what i did. Here is some of the work i did.

A) Yor perfume bottles
- comes with aluminium and glass and plastic cap.
- seperate all 3 items ! Not easy. Took about 10mins to seperate the
aluminium cap isolating the glass.
Items salvaged: Glass and alluminium and plastic.

B) Mini Milk boxes
- After drinking seperate the straw from the milk tetrapak. Straw is plastic
and tetrapak falls under paper. Pls take note the straws are stick to some
milk boxes you may need to take it out. *requiresing rinsing with water*
Items salvaged: Plastic and paper(tetrapak)

C) Twisties/Cheezels/Mamee/ Oreos/Sweets/Chocolates
- After eating rinse it with water twice before
putting it away under plastics. *requiresing rinsing with water*
Items salvaged: Plastic

D) Ciggarette Boxes
- split the plastic and paper apart accordingly.
Items salvaged: Plastic and paper

E) Beer bottles
- split the aluminium cap to aluminium and glass for glass. Do rinse the bottle
Items salvaged: Glass and akuminium

F) Cooking oil bottles
- rinse with soap water(env. friendly) twice. you dont have to rinse with
clear water. This is just to ensure the bottle is not oily. Seperate out the
paper label if possible.
Items salvaged: Plastic and paper(tetrapak)

G) Milk Carton
- Your large milk cartons after drinking, do take a scissors to cut out the
cap (some line Goodday have it). Also cut a top opening for water to go in.
Also open all sides of the milk box so you can depress it accordingly for
storage. Rinse twice with water.
Items salvaged: Plastic and paper(tetrapak)

H) HairSpray
- Hairspray usually comes in alumiunium bottle and plastic top.
Split it apart carefully(imported spray comes with steps to remove the plastic
and aluminium - EG:GATSBY)
Items salvaged: Plastic and aluminium

I) Deodorant
- Plastic and glass. Remove all plastic apart frm the glass. Quite easy. Use a
scissors will do.
Items salvaged: Plastic and glass

J) Cereal Boxes
- After consuming, ensure you wash the aluminium foil for plastics and put
the cereal boxes under paper.
Items salvaged: Plastic and paper

K) Receipts/Tags
- Toll receipts, shopping receipts, tshirt tags, price tags all are paper and
some plastics these items though small are recyclable. Do seperate it out
accordingly thats why i said in the beggining to prepare a large box & large
Items salvaged: Plastic and paper

After you have done all of the above, you will notice you have actually seperated many items and most of the items recyclable you can actually source it frm 1 single item . As you can see the items salvaged from each of the everyday life thing we use is more than 1 items. While doing this you can actually see that your home rubbish will decrease tremendously.
I usually throw 1 bag of (CarreFour) plastic bag every 2-3days. After recycling each items the plastic will only be less than half full as I recycle ALL items. Thats means my recycling activity have worked and I am recycling up to 70%percent of the household items.

Of course the hard part is the storage(which most ppl say no place la when their house got old junk lying around). Also the cleaning of the items to put it aside is quite a task if youre not dedicated. For the washing part, some people will say waste of water. The answer is no. The harm of plastics against the environment is far more greater than water consumtion. Water consumtion you can always STOP WASHING your FREAKING CAR every few days to a week. That is call waste water ! Also spend less time taking bath. Many will leave the water running while putting on soap and hairwash. STOP IT. Cleaning this items carefully uses less water is u do it correctly.

Do your part for MOTHER EARTH. There is only 1 species that can make a differrence and protect this world and that is us - *.
*taken from Discovery